Sunday, May 25, 2008



To day when we got up we picked up Kimi, and Hidi and then we went off to the Bolder creek Festival. We walked around got some thing to eat and then we watched on of the performers that we know her she taught a class of ours. Festival was a lot of fun. When we got back we lied by the pool.

When we where done at the pool Sara and I went to the store and then we went to the club house and grilled some hot dog. it was good. Sara is a good hot dog cook. :)

Now we are watching Meet the Fockers.

Lots of love.
Don't for get to check out the other blogs on my page cause there are photos that I don’t have on mine.


Micha said...

I thought u watched meet the fockers last week haha. Thanks for the shout out. Wish you were here.Miss you like crazy!
<3 michachu
p.s. I have to tell you that you are spelling group wrong Sorry haha. Your spelling it grope which would be a sexual harassment grope. It has been throwing me off a bit so just a heads up hehe. I <3 You!

dugger said...

Your blog is looking good. I see you've added links to some of the others in your class as well as your buddies.
Every time I read your blog I get jealous. I wish I were there taking those classes too.
I miss you and am very proud of you! It sounds like you're having a great time. I'll talk to you soon.

Love Dad