Monday, May 19, 2008


Today we had hoof care it was really interesting and i learned some things that I already new but more in-depth. It was really nice to get some things cleared up.

In the afternoon we went to the Anatomy lab. That was really interesting we saw lots of animal skeletons and we also got to go in to the freezer where they had all kinds lot dead animals in there I could only walk thought to take a quick look and that was it. I would really hate to get locked in there it would really keep me out. I keep thinking what if the animals just came a live all the sudden. I also keep thinking about the movie “I am Legend" Micha you would freak out.

1 comment:

Micha said...

My favorite girl in the whole world....after all the women in my family.... or actually on the same level as them,
I would most definitely freak out and I would probably yell at those people for killing poor animals and keeping them in a freezer where they could one day decide to come alive and take their revenge on us cruel people. Haha well Im so happy you are keeping a blog. Unfortunately it makes me miss you that much more and I want to drive over there right now and crash your party. Well it sure sounds like you are enjoying your classes. I have to say I'm a little jealous. Try ot too get too homesick. I can promise you, you are not missing anything fun or exciting in my life. Although I kinda wish you were here to go to my gyno appointment with me (to sit in the lobby of course). Anyway Miss you a ton and since u made me want to start a blog I expect you to comment on mine when i put it up.
Love you,
p.s. Since I am your personal spell checker I am warning you that I am entitled to fulfill my job description and point out mispellings just so you can remember me haha. But for today I will let you slide girly ; )