Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Week

ok so this week has been a little stressful Because be had a anatomy final but it was not that bad sense it was a take home test and open book. Then we went over it in class so that was good. Then we went to the ranch and had a oral test and that was a little hard but I only missed like 2 so I did prettily good. After we where done with our exam all most every one went to dinner at The Read Rock Brewery for dinner it was really good.

It rained starting last nigh thought this afternoon. It was nice but I wish I could take it home we need it more.

Today we had pathology with the vet. I really like her. We have her tomorrow as well so it should be interesting.
I am really excited to come home and start my practice.

I love you Marvin I am coming home soon so get better. (I know Marvin can't read this but some one should tell him what it says) :) haha j\k

I Love every one else too.

1 comment:

Sara XXO said...

ok missie... get on it... i want info, lots and lots of info... deatils, fun facts...:)